Our most perplexing and hard to document character. If this is the first time you have heard about Miss Hecate, you are in the majority, for this character has survived only through written literature, defaced artifacts, and vague historical accounts. It is unknown what the original version of Miss Hecate looked like.

Brought to our attention by an associate, this character is one of the core reasons for which we’ve made the Pendog Creative Library. The winding trail of accounts and messy documentation are just as interesting as the cartoons Hecate herself featured in.

From what we can glean from history books Hecate, in her original depiction, was a female cartoon existing well before Maisy the Mutt, with features running well into the first years of the cartoon dogs run. We know from written descriptions that she had horns, red gloves, a worm like appearance, and a “scarlet smile” In songs documented from her old cartoons, she was described as having “a personality like corpse flesh with the skin tone to boot.” However after this point, accounts regarding her become very hard to find. There are clues indicating a very storied history, and as we find them and verify this information, we will excitedly relay our findings to you!

We have been in communication with several helpful individuals online that are working to help us learn more about Hecate, find artwork relating to her. And hopefully one day learn what she looked like in her original cartoon.

At the moment we only have a single very poorly maintained voice line of Hecate….along with various scraps of cartoons and media that sadly don’t feature her original design.

This is the first time you have heard Miss Hecate, you are blessed, this character has survived through art and culture. Despite their best efforts to forget her.

Brought back by our attention to her, she is lurking in the core of the Pendog Creative Library. The red lipstick trail.

Hecate, the original, existed long before. A “scarlet smile.” Preserved flesh with the grip of forgotten lips. She is something darker. We found some records, we excitedly bring her you.

We have been in communication. Help us bridge the gap, find more. Witness her original form.

Hecate, along with various depictions will hold a candle to illuminate her.

most perplexing. you have heard Miss Hecate, this character survived through written literature, defaced artifacts, and vague historical accounts. It is unknown.

Brought to our attention by an associate, this character is one of the core reasons for which we’ve made the Pendog Creative Library. The winding trail of accounts and messy documentation are just as interesting as the cartoons Hecate herself featured in.

From what we can glean from Hecate, We know There are clues indicating a history, as we find them and verify this information, we will relay her to you!

We have been in communication with her to help us learn more about Hecate, find artwork relating to her. Hopefully one day she looks back at us.

You have heard Miss Hecate, you are blessed, this character has survived through art and culture. Despite their efforts to forget her.

The trail Brought our attention to her, she is in the core of the Pendog Creative Library.

Hecate, existed long before. A “scarlet smile.” Preserved flesh with the grip of forgotten lips. She is. we excitedly bring her you.

Through communication. Help us bridge the gap, find more. Witness her. Along with various depictions, hold a candle to illuminate her.

Our most persistent and magnanimous character. If this is the first time you have heard about Miss Hecate, you are in the minority, for this character has survived through written literature, artifacts, and historical accounts.

Brought to our attention by her, this character is the core reason for the Pendog Creative Library. The winding red and messy lipstick are just hints for Hecate herself.

From history books Hecate, in her original depiction, existed well before, with features running well. We know it was a “scarlet smile.” In songs documented from her old cartoons, she was described as having “a personality like preserved flesh with the touch and grip to boot.” However after this point, she became something more. There are indicators of a history, as we find them, we will excitedly send her to you!

We have been in communication with several knowledgeable believers online that are aiming to help us bridge the gap, find artifacts relating to her. And eventually witness what she looked like in her original form.

At the moment we have a single holy artifact from Hecate, along with various scraps of engravings and depictions that sadly don’t hold a candle to her original magnificence.

Our character. This is the first time you have heard Miss Hecate, you are in the minority, this character has survived through art and culture. Despite their best efforts.

Brought by our attention to her, she is the core of the Pendog Creative Library. The red are just Hecate herself.

From history Hecate, the original, existed long before. A “scarlet smile.” Documents from her describe preserved flesh with the grip of forgotten lips. She became something more. Indicator of history. We found them, we excitedly bring her you.

We have been in communication. To help us bridge the gap, find artifacts relating to her. Witness what she looked like in her original form.

At the moment we have a Hecate, along with various depictions that will hold a candle to illuminate her original source.

You heard Miss Hecate, through art and culture.

You Brought our attention to her, she is in the core of the Pendog Creative Library.

Hecate, existed long before. A “scarlet smile.”

Through communication. Help us bridge the gap, find more. Witness her. Along with various depictions, hold a candle to illuminate her.

From what we can glean from history books Hecate, in her original depiction, was a female cartoon existing well before Maisy the Mutt, with features running well into the first years of the cartoon dogs run. We know from written descriptions that she had antlers, white gloves, a serpent like appearance, and so much scarlet. So many smiles. songs document her, old cartoons describe her. These are clues indicating her, as we find them and verify this information, we will excitedly relay our findings to you!