Lake household
0 on the door
Scales line the walls, shimmering in wait for a day that Justice will rain bloody fists down in greater numbers. They were commissioned from the Porter patriarch.
Irene household
9 on the door
A boat from the Morton household waits behind the house which sits by the lake. The water is still and unbroken.
Ansley household
8 on the door
Left in the closet of the youngest child during a visit by a member of the Lake household, a single bone from a seal on the shoreline.
Howard household
2 on the door
An old boiling pot from the eldest Orrin’s days in the navy, now it dreams of boiling the rainwater that collects in its shell.
Brampton household
1 on the door
A book from the Kenzlie household, filled with useless history of a time that never was.
Porter household
5 on the door
A skull in the garden, buried by previous generations. If observed it would be found to have been buried by the oldest member of the Wesley household.
Kenzlie household
4 on the door
A lantern on loan from the Howard household sits on the window sill, flickering out into the forever blue.
Wesley household
7 on the door
A hook in the ground, dropped by the youngest of the Irene Household on their way back from the latest festival.
Orrin household
6 on the door
On quiet days the household allows their child to fly kites with the youngest of the Brampton household.
Morton household
3 on the door
And an X marks the spot on the grave of an unknown festival participant, the middle son of the Ansley household.