Bartlebee Brands, Paper Ads

Bartlebee Brands Print Advertisements, unknown artists

Shortly after Beetrices redesign  a series of print advertisements were created, along with animated commercials that featured this new design. These advertisements were very recognizable for their unique style and color palette, and some of this media would feature the puppets Strawbetty and Seamore Taffadore. According to company interviews, the Bartlebee advertisements were focused on “American values” and they celebrated the life of living in America. 

As a company Bartlebee Brands was heavily focused on these above mentioned ideas. Their brand centered around wholesome family values and American virtue. Something that brought in a great deal of support from government programs and helped their company to become a staple of American Life.

Bartlebee Brands Print Advertisements, Digital recreations by Pendog Creative Library


Strawbetty Concept art


Hecate Cigarettes