Beetrice Animation Cels

Cartoon animation cel of a bee girl holding a scepter and wearing a striped dress and crown.

Beetrice leaning on a honeycomb with a peaceful self-satisfied expression on her face

Cartoon drawing of a bee girl character wearing a crown, Beatrice Bee, holding a flower and looking around as candies and sparkles float around her.

Beetrice B.E Animation cels, by unknown artist working from Sixer Studios, restored digitally by the PCL

Later in her lifespan, Bartlebee Brands would redesign Beetrice to have a focused visual identity that would represent their brand. Some accounts allege the redesign was ordered after one of the chair members happened across advertisements that featured Tellie Lectric, the face of Telectrica Innovations. When questioned the official company statement described the new design as drawing on current popular art movements, bringing Beetrice ahead of other advertising characters and into the new era.


Hecate Cigarettes


Botanical Garden Poster