Beetrice Model Sheet

Beetrice B.E model sheet Sixer Studios 

This production art created by Sixer Studios shows a very expressive and lively design for Beetrice. Although Beetrice was certainly a popular and well loved character before her animations she had a very limited and flat character, it was after Sixer Studios involvement that she became a more rounded character with wants, desires, and other emotions that weren’t placidly joyful. Beetrice would take on an educator or instructor role in her depictions following the redesign. With a large vocabulary and prim and proper presentation she could be compared to other fictional depictions of royalty. However Beetrice was never shown as arrogant or snooty in her depictions either, simply someone who knew what was good for others and had made it her life goal to educate them on the proper way to live. 


The land of shapes and fractals, Jayne Prell


Dorothy Do Storybook Page