(Content warning) Slishy Slasher concepts

Friend Sick, Jayne Prell, 2023

Some of Jayne Prells earliest work of the Slishy Slasher. The second image being a compiled page of digital doodles created by Jayne. As you can see here these works are intensely violent and brutal, with the Slishy Slasher depicted with barbaric intentions towards her victims and truly earning the name as Slishy Slasher. These pictures are notable for the variation in how the Slishy Slasher is depicted character design wise, this was the moment where Jayne started experimenting with art styles other than classic rubber hose and started leaning into UPA. 

It’s here that we can get the barest hints of the characters personality as well. Are these depictions of how Jayne felt towards those around her? Signs of a darker nature?...Well no, from what we can tell from her notes this was a depiction of how Jayne felt about her relationships—how she felt she was interacting with them and ruining them. As such these drawings are more a depiction of how she felt she was butchering any connections she had with others rather than an expression of malice. The puppets where also mentioned to be an expression of how she felt like a puppet trapped in her household, and the Slishy slasher butchering them being a form of self harm—-paradoxically The Slasher and her Victims are both representations of Jayne Prell.   

Friendship killer, Jayne Prell, 2023



Beetrice Paper doll


Unnamed Work, Milford Sykes