Telectrica Innovations, Electric Razor
Telectrica Innovations was always very intentional with Tellie Lectric’s character; As the all-American ‘man from everywhere’ representing the company, he of course had to be bright and presentable at all times. These ideals often carried over into the advertisements of certain TI products, such as their 1958 men’s hair kit. The kit carried one of Telectrica’s modified electric razors, a barbers comb and thinning shears; Everything that a “real American man” would need for self-grooming. The electric razor was one of the firsts on the market to use rechargeable batteries, another example of why convenience and efficiency was synonymous with Telectrica Innovations!
What’s most interesting about this illustrated advertisement is how it presents Tellie; Normally depicted as a very confident man, the artist instead drew him looking very unsure of the razor, almost hesitant to use it. I suppose Tellie isn’t a big fan of shaving. (Random thought: Could you even imagine Tellie having a beard? …Now that I think about it, I’m sure he could pull it off if he wanted to.)