Has never liked Ian, not since he heard the guy saying something so out of pocket it temporarily got him removed from their philosophy class. Regardless, the two of them stuck together for one reason: Preservation. The two knew that it was their duty to recover art lost to the past and put it back into cultural awareness, giving it its rightful place and recognition. That’s why they had started the FoundFinders club – At least, that’s what he thinks; He was never sure how much of what Ian said could be taken at face value, not ever since Ian ‘forgot’ him at a gas station when the two had been carpooling for winter break. Despite that, he stuck it out for arts sake.
And when the two had recovered the VHS, they had both known they struck it big. This was going to put their names on the map and lead to all kinds of avenues opening up, where before it had been dismissive hand-waving and getting kicked from forums. As long as they stuck together, no matter how shaky, they could make their mark in history.
At the party Brian kept to himself, preferring to stay out on the balcony and smoke ashes into the grey October sky. For some reason, he knew he wouldn’t work with Ian again in the future; Despite their discoveries and the importance of their work, he didn’t feel like he had done much of anything to better the world of art. As Ian cheered in drunken revelry, Brian stood off to the side, shoulders hunched in guilt, waiting for judgment to end his sleepless nights. He cried in relief when something wonderful
Creative Archives
Welcome to the Creative Archives! Here you may find anything from old adverts to animation model sheets! Each item is handled with the care and respect it deserves by myself and dedicated volunteers..
Every item will contain an in-depth write up about its history, how it was obtained, and more! Please use the tag and category sorters to explore to your satisfaction! If you would like to learn more about the names and locations listed in these artifacts, head over to the Creative History page and Notable Character index!
This page is the culmination of our work over at the Pendog Creative team and we could not be more thrilled to have you see the amazing pieces of history we’ve unearthed.
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- Beetrice B.E 9
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- Tellie Lectric 7
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- Vivian Brooks 1
- Winerva Woeful 1
- Wistful Winnie 2
- World Fair 1