Hallowed Halls, Poster

A poster for the movie Hallowed Halls, in which the scarecrow character Winerva Woeful is stalking through a barn window. The poster claims it is based on the spine chilling book series. The cast is composed of Hank Bellmore, Carrie Applemore, Rodney Oak, Willow Yoke, Barbara Cole, and highlighting Vivian Moore playing Winerva. Details under read “A Handerson production “Hallowed Halls” A Frank Baum film. Production design by Cassidy Helm, Makeup Special Effects by Tim Lyle, Director of Photography was Richard Clyne, Associated Producer was Dan Sykes, Executive Producer was Sammy N. Hilston, Original Screenplay by Jeffery H. Klein, Produced by Rob A. Earnest and Directed by Frank Baum. It is rated PG 13, its soundtrack is on Varnish Seaside Records. Text reads along Arlo Sterio and Read the Pyre Paperback. Distributed by Hamline, which is a communications company.

Hallowed Halls Movie Poster

Following the success of the first two seasons of the Hallowed Halls television series, plans would be made to bring Winerva and her creepy crawly friends to the big screens all across the world. This movie took the form of an anthology which recounted five dreadful scary tales from Jeffery H Klein. The movie was a big success and is notable for being the team up between three powerhouses of horror. Famous horror director Frank Baum signed on immediately for this film, and with him he brought frequent collaborator and master of practical effects Tim Lyle.

There would be two more movies following this phenomenal film, however each one would receive lessening fanfare and be released with noticeable drops in quality. Regardless this film caused ever increased interest in the source material and television series. 

Rumors about production were very popular, with several people stating the early days of production to be a nightmarish slog filled with accidents and frequent mishaps. However it was said that whenever the Winerva puppet was brought on set, production would pick up in ease and quality. Thus after consulting with the director it was agreed to have the Winerva puppet on set at all times as their good luck charm.


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