Lancer in the Inkwell, Comic

Lancer in the inkwell comic strip, illustrated by Lewis Pardain for the Kellbridge Chronicle

A newspaper strip of Lancer, a cartoon character with pointy ears and nose. He sees an ink splot on the ground, grabs it with a paintbrush and draws a square in the air, which becomes a window for him to look through.

A newspaper ad for Bayer aspirin featuring a smiling nurse while Lancer, a cartoon character with pointy ears and nose looks at her through the window he made.

This specific example shows just how Pardain utilized his unique style to interact with any portion of the newspaper for his comics. Readers were confused by this at first, but eventually it caught on and became popular. Some companies even made special requests for Lancer to interact with their advertisements, and this became a large source of money for the paper.


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