The Imaginarium

Where the friends who raised us go to rest

Fond memories of playing by the creek with nothing but the figment I’d created for myself. The times when tornado sirens would ring out and I’d hug the empty space in front of me for comfort. The name of my imaginary friend is forgotten to me, and what did they look like? I’ll never know. Memories are fluid and not as concrete as we like to think, and overtime I forgot the details my young mind conjured together to make a forever loyal friend. Yet the feelings and remembrance of activities done together remain. My friend, though imaginary, will always be important to me. 

This is why I created the imaginarium, to give a home for imaginary friends so that they may not be forgotten, and that if one day their creator forgets them, others will remember them instead. They’ll be admired, appreciated, and adored. If you would like to submit yours feel free to use the form provided.

Sometimes these imaginary friends have baggage behind them, such as memories of harder times, scarier times, or times you aren’t proud of. If that is the case I will take them for you so you don’t have to remember. They can stay here, safe among the other imaginaries, and be a weight off your heart. 

Regardless this is a place of rest for all the imagineers and childhood friends that raised us, please be respectful and walk softly as you read this page.

This page was the collaboration between myself and Belliup, my internet penpal of seven years and a wonderfully talented individual. You can read more about his work over on the About page. 

~ Penny H.